Areas of Expertise

Below, you will find advisors ready to assist you and implement solutions to create growth in many areas of your business. The resources don’t stop there. Articles, Forms and Webinars are right at your fingertips for you to use.

Constructus gives you the full gamut of advise for your contracting business.

Sometimes we are great contractors but not great accountants or lawyers. Below find the comprehensive list of the advise we offer. In each subject we have advisors, articles, webinars and a myriad of other learning formats.

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[intense_panel title=”Leadership” title_color=”#314179″ title_font_color=”#ffffff” font_color=”#314179″ border=”1px solid #314179″ top_left_border_radius=”4px” top_right_border_radius=”4px”]

Paying attention to accounting and financial systems in a business can make or break a business. You may have an accounting problem if:

  • You realize you don’t have the cash to pay suppliers, after they have cut you off.
  • You have wild swings in loss and profitability from month-to-month.
  • Your financial statements are running more than a month behind.
  • You don’t know how your expenses and profitability compare to last year’s.
  • As the owner, you cannot take a pay check.

[intense_button color=”#2a386e” font_color=”#ffffff” hover_color=”#1e2b63″ hover_font_color=”#ffffff” hover_brightness=”0″ size=”medium” align=”left” link=”#” title=”See Resources and Advisors” border_radius=”4px”]See Resources & Advisors[/intense_button]



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[intense_panel title=”Legal” title_color=”#314179″ title_font_color=”#ffffff” font_color=”#314179″ border=”1px solid #314179″ top_left_border_radius=”4px” top_right_border_radius=”4px”]

Every business requires legal assistance to protect them or to comply with matters of law. Examples of how you put yourself at risk include:

  • Starting a business without a partnership agreement.
  • Starting a business with partners without a buy-sell agreement.
  • Not having a proper employee manual.
  • Failure to establish rules and processes that treat all employees equally.

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[intense_panel title=”Life Balance” title_color=”#314179″ title_font_color=”#ffffff” font_color=”#314179″ border=”1px solid #314179″ top_left_border_radius=”4px” top_right_border_radius=”4px”]

Owners and managers are notorious for grinding from early morning to late into the night. Problems from inability to separate yourself from work include:

  • Poor physical health.
  • Addiction problems.
  • Inability to sleep.
  • Constant anxiety.
  • Unpredictable personality changes.

[intense_button color=”#2a386e” font_color=”#ffffff” hover_color=”#1e2b63″ hover_font_color=”#ffffff” hover_brightness=”0″ size=”medium” align=”left” link=”#” title=”See Resources and Advisors” border_radius=”4px”]See Resources & Advisors[/intense_button]



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[intense_panel title=”Marketing” title_color=”#314179″ title_font_color=”#ffffff” font_color=”#314179″ border=”1px solid #314179″ top_left_border_radius=”4px” top_right_border_radius=”4px”]

Have you ever been frustrated with a client that said, “I did not you did that type of work”….when you have been doing that type of work for yours? You might have a problem with your marketing program if:

  • You are offering a new service to the market and your employees are not informed about it.
  • Your family and friends really don’t know much about your business.
  • You remain the best secret in the market for too long.
  • You are not using social media or any new age marketing tools to spread your company name and services.

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[intense_panel title=”Strategic Planning” title_color=”#314179″ title_font_color=”#ffffff” font_color=”#314179″ border=”1px solid #314179″ top_left_border_radius=”4px” top_right_border_radius=”4px”]

Many people run a business without a road map of how to achieve success. Failure to utilize strategic planning has:

  • Negatively affected your company’s core business at some point and perhaps to a failure.
  • Depleted the owner’s and company’s financial resources.
  • Created an endless cycle of fear and frustration.
  • Caused decisions to be made on emotions not facts and information.

[intense_button color=”#2a386e” font_color=”#ffffff” hover_color=”#1e2b63″ hover_font_color=”#ffffff” hover_brightness=”0″ size=”medium” align=”left” link=”#” title=”See Resources and Advisors” border_radius=”4px”]See Resources & Advisors[/intense_button]



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[intense_panel title=”Training” title_color=”#314179″ title_font_color=”#ffffff” font_color=”#314179″ border=”1px solid #314179″ top_left_border_radius=”4px” top_right_border_radius=”4px”]

Many businesses desire structured training programs but time and circumstances stand in the way. Symptoms of not having a training program include:

  • As the owner, you feel if you don’t do it, it won’t get done.
  • When a team member is absent, no one can take care of their responsibilities.
  • Employees are trained on how the mentor does it, not how the company does it.
  • Everyone in the company does things differently.

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[intense_panel title=”Accounting & Financial Systems” title_color=”#314179″ title_font_color=”#ffffff” font_color=”#314179″ border=”1px solid #314179″ top_left_border_radius=”4px” top_right_border_radius=”4px”]

Paying attention to accounting and financial systems in a business can make or break a business. You may have an accounting problem if:

  • You realize you don’t have the cash to pay suppliers, after they have cut you off.
  • You have wild swings in loss and profitability from month-to-month.
  • Your financial statements are running more than a month behind.
  • You don’t know how your expenses and profitability compare to last year’s.
  • As the owner, you cannot take a pay check.

[intense_button color=”#2a386e” font_color=”#ffffff” hover_color=”#1e2b63″ hover_font_color=”#ffffff” hover_brightness=”0″ size=”medium” align=”left” link=”#” title=”See Resources and Advisors” border_radius=”4px”]See Resources & Advisors[/intense_button]



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[intense_panel title=”Business Development & Sales Management” title_color=”#314179″ title_font_color=”#ffffff” font_color=”#314179″ border=”1px solid #314179″ top_left_border_radius=”4px” top_right_border_radius=”4px”]

Are you frustrated your company is not bidding the type of projects you want? Problems that could indicate a need to improve your sales process include:

  • No formal sales development plan.
  • No regular meetings for sales management and accountability.
  • No measurable or set expectations for people responsible for sales development.
  • Frustration with ebbs and flows of business development.
  • Little time to develop relationships with key clients.

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[intense_panel title=”Estimating & Project Management” title_color=”#314179″ title_font_color=”#ffffff” font_color=”#314179″ border=”1px solid #314179″ top_left_border_radius=”4px” top_right_border_radius=”4px”]

This is where money is made and lost. Questions that identify problems in this area include:

  • Was the project hand-off done poorly?
  • Did the field know the job production budgets?
  • How timely and accurate is the job costing?
  • Did you perform work that was a change to the original contract but you did not charge for it?
  • Did you bill for all work performed, in a timely and accurate manner?

[intense_button color=”#2a386e” font_color=”#ffffff” hover_color=”#1e2b63″ hover_font_color=”#ffffff” hover_brightness=”0″ size=”medium” align=”left” link=”#” title=”See Resources and Advisors” border_radius=”4px”]See Resources & Advisors[/intense_button]



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[intense_panel title=”Human Resources” title_color=”#314179″ title_font_color=”#ffffff” font_color=”#314179″ border=”1px solid #314179″ top_left_border_radius=”4px” top_right_border_radius=”4px”]

Your people make or break your company, your success and your profitability. Poor management of human resources may show up in your company in the following ways:

  • An unhappy work force in the place they do not love working.
  • Team members frequently make mistakes.
  • Communication is often snappy, disrespectful and tense.
  • Company policies are not understood or respected.
  • Employee turnover is high.
  • Team frequently fails to meet target profitability.
  • Responsibility for leading an organization is a daunting task.

[intense_button color=”#2a386e” font_color=”#ffffff” hover_color=”#1e2b63″ hover_font_color=”#ffffff” hover_brightness=”0″ size=”medium” align=”left” link=”#” title=”See Resources and Advisors” border_radius=”4px”]See Resources & Advisors[/intense_button]




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[intense_button color=”#FEC206″ font_color=”#ffffff” hover_color=”#E9B309″ hover_font_color=”#ffffff” hover_brightness=”0″ size=”large” align=”center” link=”/register” title=”Sign Up Today” border_radius=”4px”]Sign Up Today[/intense_button]