
“A person who has himself as his lawyer, has a fool for client.”

– Anonymous


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Every business requires legal assistance to protect them or to comply with matters of law.

Examples of how you put yourself at risk include:

  • Starting a business without a partnership agreement.
  • Starting a business with partners without a buy-sell agreement.
  • Not having a proper employee manual.
  • Failure to establish rules and processes that treat all employees equally.
  • Any business transaction that is a handshake deal.

Constructus Advisors are posed to discuss legal matters of relevance to construction contractors.  We feature Advisors who specialize in legal affairs who will moderate roundtable discussions and how webinars that can educate members on legal topics including:

  • Proper registration of your company.
  • Partnership agreements.
  • Buy-sell agreements and exit strategies.
  • Employee manual review and how to protect your business.
  • Getting paid for change orders.