
“Before you are a leader, success is about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.”

-Jack Welch, GE Corporation


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Many businesses desire structured training programs but time and circumstances stand in the way. 

Symptoms of not having a training program include:

  • As the owner, you feel if you don’t do it, it won’t get done.
  • When a team member is absent, no one can take care of their responsibilities.
  • Employees are trained on how the mentor does it, not how the company does it.
  • Everyone in the company does things differently.

Constructus Advisors can help business owners and managers develop a structured approach to training for the most important systems and processes in any business.  A better trained work force communicates better and performs better because they know what their job is and what to expect from the other team members.  Our advisors offer information on topics including:

  • The only training program is on that is planned.
  • Training translates into profit.
  • Connecting the dots – employee retention and training.
  • Cross training helps overall business success.
  • Measuring twice and cutting once can improve profitability.