
“Companies need connections to their markets to create long term loyalty.”

– Charlene Li and John Bernoff, Authors of Groundswell


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Paying attention to accounting and financial systems in a business can make or break a business.

Have you ever been frustrated with a client that said, “I did not know you did that type of work”….when you have been doing that type of work for years?

You might have a problem with your marketing program if:

  • You are offering  a new service to the market and your employees are not informed about it.
  • Your family and friends really don’t know much about your business.
  • You remain the best secret in the market for too long.
  • You are not using social media or any new age marketing tools to spread your company name and services.

Take advantage of the unique era we live in and the ability to use inexpensive, mass media to market your business.  Constructus Advisors are experienced in the exciting and evolving world of marketing in the electronic age.  Join us as our Advisors guide you in the exploration and implementation of new marketing approaches.  Topics will include:

  • Using the power of technology to market your company.
  • Social media and you – 500 million people on Facebook cannot be wrong.
  • A website – the brochure and resume of you and your company.
  • If it is broken then fix it.  Change your marketing now!
  • Publish content that shows your clients you understand their problems and how to solve them.