Life Balance

“I have learned that you cannot have everything and do everything at the same time.”

– Oprah Winfrey


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Owners and managers are notorious for grinding from early morning to late nto the night. 

Problems from inability to separate yourself from work include:

  • Poor physical health.
  • Addiction problems.
  • Inability to sleep.
  • Constant anxiety.
  • Unpredictable personality changes.

Constructus Advisors can assist you in identifying paths that can help you balance work and play.  Wondering how to fill your spare time or how to direct stress and anxiety into a positive channel?  Our experts have great options for you including:

  • How to plan and take a vacation.
  • Options for what to do when you are not working.
  • How to cope with stress and addictions.
  • How to manage physical fitness and stress relief.